Ovarian Cancer, Diabetes, High BP, Hypothyroidism.. Successfully Treated by Integrated Treatment.
Ying Choi Chan
Selangor, Malaysia.
Teacher, retired.
Medical Conditions
- Ovarian Cancer stage 3c
- Diabetes type II
- High Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol
- Hypothyroidism
Disease Symptoms
- Tiredness & Lethargy
- Loss of appetite
- Mental fatigue
- Poor sleep
- Poor mood
- Cold intolerance
- Hair fall
- Skin itchiness
- Diabetes med
- High BP med
- Cholesterol med
Medical Conditions
- Ovarian Cancer stage 3c - 100% Remission.
- Diabetes type II - 100% Remission.
- High Blood Pressure - Resolved.
- High Cholesterol - Resolved.
- Hypothyroidism - Resolved 70%.
Disease Symptoms
- Tiredness & Lethargy - Resolved.
- Loss of appetite - Resolved.
- Mental fatigue - Resolved.
- Poor sleep - Resolved.
- Poor mood - Resolved.
- Cold intolerance - Resolved.
- Hair fall - Resolved.
- Skin itchiness - Resolved.
- Diabetes med - Weaned off 50%.
- High BP med - Weaned off.
- Cholesterol med - Weaned off.
Standard Chinese & Malaysian style food, and fast food.
Standard pharmacy multi-vitamins.
Physically active in profession & activities.
Typical city environment.
No proper sleep.
Mind & Emotions
Usually stressed and reactive.
Periodic Detoxification
Periodic Medical Screening
Standard routine checkups.
(Prior to treatment in Heal Within®)
🗓 – May 2005.
Symptoms: Headaches, Dizziness, Blurry vision, Fatigue.
Medical treatment at: Specialist clinic.
Medical Diagnosis: High blood pressure, Diabetes.
Treatment administered: Blood pressure medications, Diabetes medications.
Result: Blood pressure and blood sugar controlled by medications, symptoms suppressed but with occasional recurrences. .
🗓 – January 2023.
Symptoms: Leg cramps, Headaches, Dizziness.
Sought treatment at: Specialist clinic.
Diagnosis: High cholesterol, Earlier diagnosis still present (High blood pressure, Diabetes).
Treatment administered: Cholesterol medications but patient did not consume. Earlier medications continued (Blood pressure medications, Diabetes medications).
Results: Blood pressure and blood sugar controlled by medications, symptoms suppressed but with occasional recurrences.
🗓 – December 2023.
Symptoms: Bloating, Tiredness & Lethargy, Loss of appetite, Poor sleep, Metal fatigue, Hair fall, Skin itchiness, Poor mood.
Sought treatment at: Private hospital.
Diagnosis: Ovarian cancer stage 3c, Earlier diagnosis still present (High blood pressure, Diabetes, High cholesterol).
Treatment administered: Surgery, Chemotherapy.
Results: Temporary resolution of symptoms, but symptoms recurred shortly after procedures.
🗓 – April 2024.
Symptoms: Earlier symptoms continue to persist (Bloating, Tiredness & Lethargy, Loss of appetite, Poor sleep, Metal fatigue, Hair fall, Skin itchiness, Poor mood).
Sought treatment at: Heal Within®.
Diagnosis: Read in full case details below.
Treatment administered: Read in full case details below.
Results: Read in full case details below.
1. Vitality Factors
*100% represents optimal level for patients’s genetics, gender & age.
2. Disease Symptoms
- Tiredness & lethargy
- Loss of appetite
- Mental fatigue
- Poor sleep
- Poor mood
- Cold intolerance
- Hair fall
- Skin itchiness
3. Medical Conditions (Diseases)
- Ovarian cancer, stage 3c
- Diabetes type II
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Hypothyroidism
4. Causes & Root-causes to Medical Conditions
◉ Gut disbiosys & acidosis
What it is:
Gut Disbiosys’ is disruption to the gut-microbiome in the gut resulting in an imbalance in the microbiota, abnormalities in their metabolic activities & functions, and a shift in their local distribution. ‘Gut Acidosis’ is an over-acidification of the fluids in the gut.
Root-causes / Sources:
Acidic diet, Nutrient deficient diet, Lack of essential nutrient supplementation.
Gut dysbiosis and acidosis create three main pathophysiological pathways: chronic inflammation, compromised barrier integrity, and disrupted metabolic signaling.
In ovarian cancer, dysbiosis allows bacterial endotoxins (LPS) to enter circulation, promoting systemic inflammation that supports tumor growth. The acidic environment enhances cancer cell survival while altered estrogen metabolism from specific bacterial changes drives tumor progression.
For diabetes, the mechanism involves disruption of incretin hormone production (GLP-1, GIP) and increased inflammatory mediators causing insulin resistance. The acidotic state directly impairs pancreatic beta-cell function and insulin signaling pathways.
In hypertension, dysbiosis-induced endotoxemia promotes endothelial dysfunction and vascular inflammation. Bacterial metabolites alter blood pressure regulation, while acidosis disrupts renal function and mineral homeostasis.
For high cholesterol, the key mechanism is altered bile acid metabolism affecting cholesterol absorption and processing. Inflammatory cascades disrupt hepatic lipid metabolism, while acidosis impairs cholesterol regulatory pathways.
In hypothyroidism, gut dysbiosis impacts thyroid function through multiple pathways: inflammatory cytokines affect hormone production, compromised nutrient absorption (especially iodine) impairs thyroid function, and altered gut bacteria disrupt hormone conversion.
These mechanisms are interconnected through:
- Systemic inflammation affecting multiple organs
- Oxidative stress damaging cellular function
- Compromised nutrient absorption and utilization
- Disrupted hormone signaling pathways
- Increased toxic burden from impaired detoxification
This understanding demonstrates how treating gut dysbiosis and acidosis could simultaneously improve multiple chronic conditions through shared pathological pathways.
◉ Toxins & Heavy-metals
What it is:
‘Toxins’ are any substances and chemical compounds that basically cause hindrance or malfunction to normal body processes or cause damage to any organ. ‘Heavy metals’ are a group of metals & metalloids that have relatively higher density and are toxic to the body even at ppb (parts-per-billion) levels.
Root-causes / Sources:
Toxins in consumer-food items, Dental fillings.
Toxic inorganic chemicals and heavy metals initiate three primary pathological mechanisms: oxidative stress generation, enzyme dysfunction, and cellular membrane damage. These toxins accumulate in tissues over time, creating progressive systemic dysfunction.
In ovarian cancer, heavy metals and chemical toxins generate free radicals that damage DNA and cellular components. These compounds can act as metalloestrogens, disrupting normal hormonal signaling. The oxidative damage triggers inflammatory cascades that promote cancer cell survival and proliferation, while enzyme dysfunction impairs natural cellular repair mechanisms.
For diabetes, toxin accumulation in pancreatic tissue directly damages insulin-producing beta cells. Heavy metals interfere with insulin receptor function and glucose transport mechanisms. Chemical toxins disrupt mitochondrial function, impairing cellular energy metabolism and contributing to insulin resistance.
In hypertension, toxic compounds damage blood vessel endothelium and promote arterial stiffness. Heavy metals like lead and cadmium interfere with nitric oxide production, reducing vasodilation capacity. The oxidative stress from these toxins triggers inflammatory responses that further compromise vascular function.
For high cholesterol, inorganic toxins disrupt liver function and impair normal lipid metabolism. Heavy metals interfere with key enzymes involved in cholesterol processing and transport. The resulting oxidative stress and inflammation alter cellular membrane composition, affecting cholesterol homeostasis.
In hypothyroidism, heavy metals compete with iodine uptake in thyroid tissue, while chemical toxins directly damage thyroid cells. These compounds interfere with hormone synthesis enzymes and disrupt the conversion of T4 to active T3. The oxidative burden impairs thyroid receptor sensitivity in target tissues.
These mechanisms are interconnected through:
- Widespread oxidative stress and inflammation
- Disruption of cellular energy production
- Impaired enzyme systems across multiple pathways
- Compromised cellular membrane function
- Altered hormone signaling and receptor activity
Understanding these toxic mechanisms emphasizes the importance of systematic detoxification in treating multiple chronic conditions simultaneously. organ systems.
◉ Essential-nutrients deficiency
What it is:
Essential-Nutrient deficiency is simply deficiency of either proteins, vitamins, minerals, salts, or fats, in the blood or organ-tissues. These are essential for maintaining the conditional integrity and normal function of the organs, and thereby maintaining the health of the body as a whole.
Root-causes / Sources:
Nutrient-deficient diet, Lack of full spectrum essential-nutrient supplementation.
Essential nutrient deficiencies create three primary pathophysiological effects: impaired cellular function, compromised enzyme systems, and reduced repair mechanisms. These deficiencies affect multiple biochemical pathways simultaneously, creating widespread dysfunction.
In ovarian cancer, nutrient deficiencies compromise DNA repair mechanisms and antioxidant defenses. Low levels of selenium, zinc, and vitamins A, C, E impair immune system surveillance of cancer cells. Deficient vitamin D and iodine disrupt hormonal balance and cellular differentiation, while inadequate B vitamins affect DNA methylation and repair.
For diabetes, chromium, magnesium, and B-vitamin deficiencies impair insulin function and glucose metabolism. Zinc deficiency affects insulin synthesis and storage, while vitamin D insufficiency reduces insulin sensitivity. Antioxidant nutrient deficits compromise pancreatic beta-cell protection against oxidative damage.
In hypertension, magnesium and potassium deficiencies affect vascular tone and blood pressure regulation. Low calcium levels can trigger increased parathyroid hormone, affecting blood pressure. Vitamin D insufficiency impacts the renin-angiotensin system, while antioxidant deficits promote endothelial dysfunction.
For high cholesterol, B-vitamin deficiencies impair lipid metabolism and methylation pathways. Inadequate magnesium and chromium affect enzyme systems involved in cholesterol processing. Essential fatty acid deficiencies alter membrane composition and lipid transport.
In hypothyroidism, iodine and selenium deficiencies directly impact thyroid hormone production and conversion. Zinc and iron deficiencies affect thyroid hormone synthesis, while vitamin D insufficiency compromises thyroid receptor function. B-vitamin deficits impair energy metabolism in thyroid tissue.
These mechanisms are interconnected through:
- Compromised cellular energy production
- Reduced antioxidant defense systems
- Impaired enzyme function across pathways
- Altered hormone synthesis and regulation
- Decreased tissue repair capacity
This understanding shows how comprehensive nutrient repletion can support improvement across multiple chronic conditions simultaneously.
◉ Metabolic acidosis & Low oxygenation
What it is:
A systemic condition where the body’s pH balance shifts toward acidity while oxygen delivery to cells is compromised. This creates a harmful cycle where the acidic environment disrupts cellular processes, while reduced oxygen forces cells to rely on anaerobic metabolism..
Root-causes / Sources:
Acidic diet, Nutrient-deficient diet, Age progression, Toxic environment.
Metabolic acidosis and low oxygenation create three fundamental pathological pathways: disrupted cellular energy production, altered pH-dependent enzyme function, and compromised oxygen utilization. These conditions create a self-reinforcing cycle of cellular dysfunction.
In ovarian cancer, the acidic, low-oxygen environment promotes cancer cell adaptation and survival. Cancer cells thrive in acidotic conditions through the Warburg effect, while normal cells struggle. Low oxygen levels trigger HIF-1α activation, promoting angiogenesis and cancer cell survival pathways. The acidic environment also suppresses immune cell function, reducing cancer surveillance.
For diabetes, acidosis directly impairs insulin receptor sensitivity and glucose uptake mechanisms. Low oxygen levels force cells to rely more on anaerobic metabolism, increasing acid production. The acidotic environment affects pancreatic beta-cell function, while reduced oxygen delivery to tissues worsens insulin resistance.
In hypertension, chronic acidosis triggers vasoconstriction and increases sympathetic nervous system activity. Low oxygen levels cause blood vessel walls to constrict further, while acidosis affects kidney function in regulating blood pressure. The combination creates a cycle of increasing vascular resistance.
For high cholesterol, acidosis alters liver metabolism and lipid processing. The low-oxygen state impairs mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation, promoting lipid accumulation. Acidic pH affects enzyme systems involved in cholesterol metabolism, while cellular hypoxia triggers inflammatory responses that disrupt lipid homeostasis.
In hypothyroidism, acidosis interferes with thyroid hormone production and receptor function. Low oxygen levels impair cellular energy production needed for hormone synthesis, while acidic conditions affect the enzyme systems involved in thyroid hormone conversion. The metabolic suppression from low oxygen further reduces thyroid function.
These mechanisms interconnect through:
- Impaired mitochondrial function
- Disrupted enzyme kinetics
- Altered cellular signaling pathways
- Compromised tissue repair
- Increased inflammatory responses
This understanding demonstrates how correcting acid-base balance and improving oxygenation could help restore normal function across multiple systems simultaneously.
* Learn more about the 10 Root Causes to Diseases.
The primary objectives of the treatment:
- Kill cancer cells, and shrink & dissolve Cancer-tumours.
- Treat all causes & root-causes to Cancer & other co-existing diseases, and thereby stop any on-going cancer activity, and prevent cancer & other disease recurrences.
- Optimise the condition and function of all organs.
No one therapy or treatment modality can help to achieve these three primary objectives; an integration (combination) of various therapies is necessary for this; and this is called an Integrated & Holistic Treatment.
The following therapies were strategically integrated and administered to the patient:
✙ Hyperthermia Therapy
What it is:
A controlled therapeutic approach that selectively raises body temperature to specific ranges (typically 38.5-40.5°C) using advanced medical devices. The therapy can be delivered locally, regionally, or systemically, creating a temporary fever-like state that triggers multiple therapeutic mechanisms while being carefully monitored to maintain safety and comfort. This artificial fever state activates profound healing responses at cellular and systemic levels.
Used for:
- Activation of natural cellular repair mechanisms
- Enhancement of immune system surveillance and function
- Optimization of cellular oxygen utilization
- Support of natural detoxification processes
- Promotion of healthy circulation and blood flow
- Facilitation of nutrient delivery to tissues
- Enhancement of cellular energy production
- Weakens cancer cell survival while supporting healthy cells
- Improves glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity
- Supports healthy blood pressure through vessel dilation
- Enhances cholesterol metabolism and transport
- Optimizes thyroid hormone function and conversion
- Increases cellular oxygen uptake and utilization
- Enhances natural detoxification pathway efficiency
- Supports balanced immune system responses
- Improves nutrient absorption and cellular uptake
- Promotes healthy acid-alkaline balance in tissues
✙ Oral Detoxification Therapy
What it is:
A comprehensive oral therapeutic protocol combining natural bioactive compounds and specific medication-based chelating agents administered over a 21-day cycle. This multi-agent approach integrates medicinal herbs, essential nutrients, therapeutic fats, mineral salts, antioxidant compounds, probiotic strains, digestive enzymes, and specialized heavy metal chelators in precisely timed doses to optimize the body’s natural detoxification pathways while safely binding and eliminating accumulated toxins.
Used for:
- Enhancement of the body’s natural cellular detoxification mechanisms
- Restoration of healthy gut microbiome balance and digestive function
- Optimization of cellular nutrient uptake and utilization
- Support of natural acid-alkaline balance in tissues
- Strengthening of antioxidant defense systems
- Facilitation of safe heavy metal and chemical toxin elimination
- Reinforcement of cellular energy production pathways
- Reduces tumor-promoting inflammation through systematic toxin elimination
- Improves insulin sensitivity by removing metabolic disruptors
- Normalizes blood pressure through restored mineral balance and vessel function
- Enhances cholesterol metabolism and transport
- Supports thyroid function by clearing hormone-disrupting compounds
- Restores healthy gut barrier integrity and immune function
- Improves cellular oxygen utilization and energy production
- Enhances hormone receptor sensitivity across tissues
- Optimizes nutrient absorption and cellular uptake
- Reestablishes healthy pH balance in tissues and blood
✙ IV Chelation therapy
What it is:
Intravenous (IV) chelation therapy is a medical treatment that administers specific chelating agents directly into the bloodstream to bind and remove heavy metals and other toxic minerals from the body. The therapy typically uses agents like EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) or DMPS (Dimercaptopropanesulfonic acid) in a carefully formulated solution containing supportive minerals and nutrients, delivered through controlled infusions over several hours per session.
Used for:
- Enhanced removal of accumulated heavy metals from tissue deposits
- Support of cellular detoxification pathways and organ function
- Optimization of mineral balance and utilization
- Restoration of healthy blood vessel function and circulation
- Improvement of cellular oxygen delivery and utilization
- Enhancement of natural antioxidant defense systems
- Facilitation of tissue repair and regeneration
- Reduces cancer-promoting toxic burden in tissues and organs
- Improves insulin sensitivity by removing metalloestrogens
- Normalizes blood pressure through enhanced vessel function
- Supports healthy cholesterol metabolism and transport
- Enhances thyroid function by clearing metal interference
- Optimizes cellular energy production and oxygen utilization
- Restores healthy mineral balance and enzyme function
- Improves circulation and tissue oxygenation
- Enhances natural detoxification pathway efficiency
- Supports immune system function and regulation
✙ Natural Immunotherapy
What it is:
A therapeutic approach that utilizes natural compounds and biological response modifiers to enhance and regulate the body’s immune system function. This therapy combines specific immunostimulant herbs, medicinal mushrooms, transfer factors, and other natural immune modulators in precise formulations, administered orally or through other routes to optimize immune system surveillance and response while maintaining balanced immune function.
Used for:
- Enhancement of natural immune surveillance
- Support of balanced immune responses
- Optimization of cellular defense mechanisms
- Promotion of healthy immune regulation
- Strengthening of barrier immunity
- Maintenance of immune system balance
- Support of natural healing processes
- Enhances natural cancer-fighting responses
- Supports healthy glucose metabolism
- Promotes balanced blood pressure regulation
- Optimizes cholesterol processing mechanisms
- Enhances thyroid system function
- Strengthens cellular defense systems
- Supports healthy inflammation balance
- Improves tissue repair processes
- Enhances detoxification pathways
- Maintains optimal immune surveillance
✙ IV Nutrition therapy
What it is:
Intravenous nutrition therapy delivers precisely formulated combinations of essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream, bypassing digestive system limitations. The customized infusions contain therapeutic doses of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other vital nutrients in their most bioavailable forms, ensuring optimal cellular absorption and utilization while supporting intensive tissue repair and regeneration processes.
Used for:
- Optimization of cellular nutrient levels and reserves
- Enhancement of cellular energy production capacity
- Support of natural detoxification processes
- Restoration of antioxidant defense systems
- Promotion of tissue repair and regeneration
- Facilitation of enzyme system function
- Strengthening of immune system responses
- Supports healthy cell division and differentiation
- Enhances insulin production and glucose regulation
- Optimizes blood pressure regulation mechanisms
- Supports healthy cholesterol synthesis and transport
- Improves thyroid hormone production and conversion
- Enhances cellular oxygen utilization efficiency
- Strengthens natural detoxification pathways
- Promotes balanced pH levels in tissues
- Supports optimal immune system function
- Enhances tissue repair and regeneration processes
✙ Oral Nutrition therapy
What it is:
A personalized therapeutic nutrition protocol delivering precise combinations of medical-grade oral supplements including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, probiotics, enzymes, and other bioactive compounds. The therapy incorporates carefully timed dosing schedules and specific combinations of nutrients designed to optimize absorption and utilization while addressing individual biochemical needs and deficiencies through targeted supplementation.
Used for:
- Support of daily cellular nutrient requirements
- Maintenance of healthy detoxification pathways
- Optimization of digestive system function
- Enhancement of cellular energy production
- Restoration of antioxidant defense systems
- Promotion of balanced immune responses
- Strengthening of tissue repair mechanisms
- Supports healthy cell division and differentiation
- Improves insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism
- Optimizes blood pressure regulation pathways
- Enhances cholesterol processing and transport
- Supports thyroid hormone production and function
- Maintains healthy gut microbiome balance
- Promotes optimal nutrient absorption
- Strengthens cellular repair mechanisms
- Supports balanced inflammatory responses
- Enhances natural enzyme system function
✙ Far-Infra-Red therapy
What it is:
Far-infrared (FIR) therapy uses specific wavelengths of invisible light (between 5.6 and 1000 micrometers) that penetrate deep into tissues, creating therapeutic cellular resonance and gentle thermal effects. This advanced therapy delivers infrared energy that interacts with water molecules and cellular structures, producing beneficial physiological responses at the deepest tissue levels without causing thermal damage or stress to the body.
Used for:
- Enhancement of natural cellular detoxification processes
- Optimization of cellular energy production and utilization
- Support of healthy blood flow and microcirculation
- Promotion of tissue oxygenation and nutrient delivery
- Activation of cellular repair and regeneration mechanisms
- Enhancement of natural elimination pathways
- Facilitation of balanced immune system function
- Improves cellular metabolism in cancer-affected tissues
- Enhances insulin sensitivity through improved circulation
- Supports healthy blood pressure through vessel dilation
- Optimizes cholesterol transport and metabolism
- Enhances thyroid function through improved circulation
- Increases oxygen delivery to tissues and organs
- Supports removal of cellular toxins and waste products
- Promotes balanced pH levels in tissues
- Enhances nutrient absorption and utilization
- Strengthens cellular energy production efficiency
✙ Bio-identical Hormone therapy
What it is:
A personalized therapy utilizing hormones that are molecularly identical to those naturally produced by the body, carefully prescribed in physiological doses and optimal ratios. These bioidentical hormones are compounded specifically for each patient based on comprehensive hormone panel testing, and are delivered through various routes (oral, transdermal, or other) to restore optimal hormonal balance while supporting the body’s natural regulatory mechanisms.
Used for:
- Support of natural hormone balance
- Optimization of cellular repair processes
- Enhancement of energy production systems
- Promotion of healthy metabolic function
- Restoration of natural regenerative processes
- Support of healthy immune regulation
- Maintenance of optimal organ function
- Supports healthy cell growth regulation
- Improves insulin sensitivity and glucose balance
- Promotes healthy blood pressure control
- Optimizes cholesterol metabolism and balance
- Enhances thyroid hormone function
- Supports cellular energy production
- Promotes healthy tissue regeneration
- Maintains strong immune responses
- Enhances natural detoxification capacity
- Supports optimal nutrient utilization
✙ Wholesome Food therapy
What it is:
A comprehensive nutritional therapy combining concentrated whole-food supplements derived from organic sources with therapeutic omega-oil blends, delivered alongside carefully designed meals. This approach provides a complete spectrum of natural food compounds, phytonutrients, and beneficial fats in their most bioavailable forms, working synergistically to support optimal cellular nutrition while maintaining appetizing and satisfying daily nutrition through wholesome meals.
Used for:
- Optimization of cellular nutritional status
- Support of natural healing processes
- Enhancement of digestive system function
- Promotion of healthy nutrient absorption
- Maintenance of stable energy levels
- Strengthening of natural repair mechanisms
- Support of healthy metabolic balance
- Enhances cellular repair and regeneration
- Supports balanced blood sugar metabolism
- Promotes healthy blood pressure regulation
- Optimizes natural cholesterol balance
- Supports thyroid hormone production
- Improves nutrient absorption efficiency
- Maintains healthy gut microbiome
- Enhances cellular energy production
- Supports natural detoxification processes
- Promotes balanced immune function
1. Vitality Factors
*100% represents highest optimal level for patients’s genetics, gender & age.
2. Disease Symptoms
- Tiredness & lethargy | Resolved.
- Loss of appetite | Resolved.
- Mental fatigue | Resolved.
- Poor sleep | Resolved.
- Poor mood | Resolved.
- Cold intolerance | Resolved.
- Hair fall | Resolved.
- Skin itchiness | Resolved.
3. Medical Conditions (Diseases)
- Ovarian cancer, stage 3c | 100% Remission.
- Diabetes type II | 100% Remission.
- High blood pressure | Resolved.
- High cholesterol | Resolved.
- Hypothyroidism | Resolved 70%.
4. Medications
(Prescribed by other doctors Prior to Heal Within®)
- Diabetes medications Weaned-off 50%.
- Blood pressure medications Weaned-off.
- Cholesterol medications Weaned-off.
*Click/Tap each image to enlarge-view”.
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