Stage 4 Cervical Cancer, Metastasised to Liver.. Successfully Treated by Integrated & Holistic Treatment.
Rashida Othman
Selangor, MY
Disease Symptoms
- Abdominal pain
- Pain in liver area
- Bloating
- Nausea & vomiting
- Bodyache
- Lethargy & sleepiness
- Difficulty passing stools
- Low energy
- Feet numbness
- Headache
- Fever
- Dizziness
- Depression & moodiness
- Low appetite
- Abnormal weight loss
- Smoking & cigarette cravings
Medical Conditions
- Stage 4 Cervical cancer
- Cancer metastasis to Liver
- Cancer metastasis to Peritoneum-sac
- Cancer metastasis to Lymph-nodes around Peritoneum
- Insomnia
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Liver inflammation
- Gallbladder inflammation
- Gastritis
- Body inflammation
- High BP medication
- Diabetes medication
- Gastritis medication
- Gastric pain medication
- Indigestion medication
- Pain killer medication
Disease Symptoms
- Abdominal pain - Resolved.
- Pain in liver area - Resolved.
- Bloating - Resolved.
- Nausea & vomiting - Resolved.
- Body-ache - Resolved.
- Lethargy & sleepiness - Resolved.
- Difficulty passing stools - Resolved.
- Low energy - Resolved.
- Feet numbness - Resolved.
- Head-ache - Resolved.
- Fever - Resolved.
- Dizziness - Resolved.
- Depression & moodiness - Resolved.
- Low appetite - Resolved.
- Abnormal weight loss - Resolved.
- Smoking & cigarette cravings - Reduced 90%.
Medical Conditions
- Stage 4 Cervical cancer - Resolved.
- Cancer metastasis to Liver - Tumour shrunk 70%and stabilised.
- Cancer metastasis to Peritoneum-sac - Resolved.
- Cancer metastasis to Lymph-nodes around Peritoneum - Resolved.
- Insomnia - Resolved.
- High blood pressure - Resolved 70%.
- Diabetes - Resolved.
- Liver inflammation - Resolved.
- Gallbladder inflammation - Resolved.
- Gastritis - Resolved.
- Body inflammation - Resolved.
- High BP medication - Weaned off 70%.
- Diabetes medication - Weaned off.
- Gastritis medication - Weaned off.
- Gastric pain medication - Weaned off.
- Indigestion medication - Weaned off.
- Pain killer medication - Weaned off.
Typical local malay & asian diet.
Normal city environment normal pollution levels.
Not able to sleep well, occasional vacations.
Mind & Emotions
Normal work stress, easily aggravated.
Periodic Detoxification
Periodic Medical Screening
Occasional medical checkups.
(Prior to treatment in Heal Within®)
Symptoms: No noticeable symptoms.
Casual check-up at: Medical clinic.
Diagnosis: High blood pressure.
Treatment administered: High blood pressure medications.
Result: Blood pressure controlled through on-going medications.
Symptoms: No noticeable symptoms.
Medical check-up at: Medical clinic.
Diagnosis: Diabetes.
Treatment administered: Diabetes medications.
Result: Diabetes controlled through on-going medications.
Symptoms: Lump in the neck – thyroid area.
Sought treatment at: Hospital.
Diagnosis: Thyroid cancer.
Treatment administered: Surgery.
Result: Cancer treated.
Symptoms: Blood in stools, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, and more.
Sought treatment at: Hospital.
Diagnosis: Cervical Cancer.
Treatment administered: Surgery.
Result: Symptoms still persist.
Symptoms: Earlier symptoms continue to persist.
Sought treatment at: Hospital.
Diagnosis: Cancer metastasised to liver.
Treatment administered: Prescribed chemotherapy, but patient kept on hold and sought second opinion in Heal Within®.
Result: —
(Prior to treatment in Heal Within®)
Because, the causes & underlying root-causes to cancer and other unhealthy conditions in the patient's body were never treated by those treatments in the past. (The causes to cancer were still present in the patient's body).
Even though the patient’s thyroid gland was surgically removed and cancer was deemed resolved, the underlying causes to all her diseases were never treated by those past treatments; the causes being: (1) Acids of food-fermentation from gut; (2) Internal toxicity (organic toxins, inorganic toxins, heavy-metals; (3) Lack of essential nutrients; (4) Low oxygenation; (5) High sugar levels; (6) Metabolic acidosis; (7) Hormonal imbalance.
In addition, the Root-causes/Sources to the above unhealthy conditions were not removed. The Root-causes/Sources being: (1) Toxic diet; (2) Nutrient-defficient diet; (3) Gut disbiosys; (4) Mitochondrial dysfunction; (4) Chronic mental stress; (5) Lack of muscular-skeletal movement.
The patient still had the causes & their root-causes/sources unresolved, that is why her cancer and other diseases were not totally resolved and she experienced a recurrence.
Even though the patient’s thyroid gland was surgically removed and cancer was deemed resolved, the underlying causes to all her diseases were never treated by those past treatments; the causes being: (1) Acids of food-fermentation from gut; (2) Internal toxicity (organic toxins, inorganic toxins, heavy-metals; (3) Lack of essential nutrients; (4) Low oxygenation; (5) High sugar levels; (6) Metabolic acidosis; (7) Hormonal imbalance.
In addition, the Root-causes/Sources to the above unhealthy conditions were not removed. The Root-causes/Sources being: (1) Toxic diet; (2) Nutrient-defficient diet; (3) Gut disbiosys; (4) Mitochondrial dysfunction; (4) Chronic mental stress; (5) Lack of muscular-skeletal movement.
The patient still had the causes & their root-causes/sources unresolved, that is why her cancer and other diseases were not totally resolved and she experienced a recurrence.
* Learn more about the 10 Root Causes to Cancer and the 10 Pillars of Health.
1. Vitality Factors
2. Disease Symptoms
3. Medical Conditions (Diseases)
- Cervical cancer - stage 4
- Cancer metastasis to liver
- Cancer metastasis to Peritoneum-sac
- Cancer metastasis to Lymph-nodes around Peritoneum
- High blood pressure
- Liver inflammation
- Gallbladder inflammation
- Gastritis
- Body inflammation
3. Causes & Root-causes to Medical Conditions
◉ Gut disbiosys & acidosis
What it is:
‘Gut Disbiosys’ is disruption to the gut-microbiome in the gut resulting in an imbalance in the microbiota, abnormalities in their metabolic activities & functions, and a shift in their local distribution. ‘Gut Acidosis’ is an over-acidification of the fluids in the gut.
Root-causes / Sources:
High starch & sugar diet, Acidic diet, Chronic mental stress.
Mechanism:The patient's on-going diet was high in starch & sugar, and acidic. In addition, the patient had chronic mental stress which triggered chronic sympathetic overdrive and thereby reduced her body’s rate of digestion & bowel movement. The reduced rate of digestion & bowel movement triggered fermentation of those high starch & sugar substances in the gut, and caused accumulation of undigested acidic foods, which resulted in Disbiosys & Acidosis in the gut. Prolonged gut disbiosys & acidosis resulted in damage to the gut-walls and thereby to leaky-gut, and consequently lead to seepage of those acids through the gut into the blood-stream and then into various organs in the body and resulted in a highly unhealthy condition in the environment (interstitial-fluid environment) in those organs. Prolonged unhealthy condition in the environment in those organs triggered cancer activity therein (abnormal division & growth of organ-cells) and ultimately resulted in cancer-tumours.
◉ Toxins & Heavy-metals
What it is: ‘Toxins' are any substances and chemical compounds that basically cause hindrance or malfunction to normal body processes or cause damage to any organ. 'Heavy metals' are a group of metals & metalloids that have relatively higher density and are toxic to the body even at ppb (parts-per-billion) levels.
Root-causes / Sources: Highly-processed-food diet, toxic diet, teeth fillings.
Mechanism:The patient’s Highly-processed-food diet & toxic diet brought in much toxins and heavy metals into the gut and resulted in acidosis in the gut. Prolonged gut acidosis resulted in damage to the gut-walls and thereby to leaky-gut, and consequently lead to seepage of those toxins & heavy metals through the gut into the blood-stream and then into various organs in the body and resulted in a highly unhealthy condition in the environment (interstitial-fluid environment) in those organs. Prolonged unhealthy condition in the environment in those organs ultimately caused cancer activity therein (abnormal division & growth of organ-cells) and resulted in cancer-tumours.
◉ Metabolic acidosis & Low oxygen
What it is: Metabolic acidosis is a condition in which there is too much metabolic acids in the interstitial fluid (the fluid that is around every cells in every organ) of the body.
Root-causes / Sources: Mitochondrial dysfunction, On-going medication, Nutrient deficient diet, Lack of muscular-scelatal movement.
Mechanism: Mitochondrial dysfunction in the patient’s organ-cells triggered metabolism through anaerobic glycolysis and thereby caused an over-production & build up of lactic acid in the the environment (interstitial-fluid environment) in those organs. Secondly, lack of essential nutrients together with existing diabetic condition impeded proper kidney function and thereby reduced elimination of those built up metabolic acids. Thirdly, inadequate amounts of muscular-scelatal movement lead to reduce blood & lymph circulation and thereby to reduced rate of metabolic acids elimination and reduced rate of oxygenation. All this cumulatively resulted in a build up of metabolic acids and reduced oxygen in the environment (interstitial-fluid environment) in the patient’s organs, and lead to cancer activity and ultimately to cancer tumours.
◉ Hormonal imbalance
What it is: Hormonal imbalance is simply a condition wherein there is either too much or too little of one or more hormones in the blood and in the interstitial-fluid environment in organs over extended periods of time.
Root-causes / Sources: Absence of thyroid gland (removed surgically), Chronic mental stress, Toxic diet, Nutrient-deficient diet.
Mechanism: Absence of the thyroid gland in the patient’d body lead to a reduction in thyroid hormones and were supplemented by synthetic hormone replacements, which were not effective. Subsequently this lead to compromised mitochondrial function & metabolism, reduced respiratory function & oxygenation, reduced digestion & bowel movement and thereby to gut disbiosys & acidosis and to reduced detoxification, reduced rate of tissue repair & regeneration; which cumulatively resulted in reduced oxygen and increased accumulated acids in the environment (interstitial-fluid environment) in the patient’s organs, which then triggered cancer activity and ultimately resulted into cancer tumours.
In addition, the patient had chronic mental stress which triggered chronic sympathetic overdrive and lead to chronic over-production & saturation of stress hormones in the blood and interstitial-fluid environment. This caused chronic suppression of immune cells function, reduced rate of tissue repair & regeneration, reduced digestion & bowel movement and thereby to gut disbiosys & acidosis and to reduced detoxification; which cumulatively resulted in increased accumulated acids in the environment (interstitial-fluid environment) in the patient’s organs, which then triggered cancer activity and ultimately resulted into cancer tumours.
◉ Essential-nutrients deficiency
What it is: Essential nutrient deficiency is low levels of one or more specific nutrients that are necessary for maintaining the condition and facilitating functions of organs in the body. Those nutrients can be within proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and salts.
Root-causes / Sources: Nutrient-deficient diet, Lack of full spectrum essential-nutrient supplementation.
Mechanism:Patient’s on-going diet lacked in essential nutrients, some of which included iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, vitamin B, vitamin, C, vitamin D, and some trace minerals.
For example: Vitamin C deficiency lead to reduced rate-of-healing of the damaged gut walls (gut walls damaged by gut disbiosys & acidosis, and toxins) and thereby resulted in chronic leaky gut, and consequently lead to an on-going seepage of those toxins & heavy metals through the gut into the blood-stream and then into various organs in the body and resulted in a highly unhealthy condition in the environment (interstitial-fluid environment) in those organs, thereby triggering cancer-activity.
Likewise, Vitamin B deficiency lead to increase oxidative stress, further reduced immune function, and thereby amplified cancer activity and ultimately resulted in cancer tumours.
Likewise, Vitamin D deficiency lead to reduced absorption of nutrients such as Calcium, Phosphorus etc., reduced immune function, cancer-cell proliferation and increase angiogenesis, thereby amplified cancer activity and ultimately resulted in metastasis of cancer.
Likewise, deficiency of other nutrients such as iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, and trace minerals, cumulatively impeded many essential bio-chemical processes, reduced organ & gland function, decreased immune function, impeded natural detoxification of toxins, and thereby resulted in a highly unhealthy condition in the environment (interstitial-fluid environment) in those organs, and thereby further supported cancer activity therein, and ultimately resulted in cancer tumours.
* Learn more about the 10 Root Causes to Cancer.
The primary objectives & key-results needed to induce healing in the patient’s cancer effected organs & organs in other diseased conditions (cervix, liver, peritoneum-sac, lymph nodes, gut, colon, digestive system, gallbladder, vascular system & other diseased organs) and restore her whole body to normal health are just these three:
- Shrink & dissolve Cancer-tumours.
- Treat causes & root-causes to Cancer-activity & other diseases.
- Optimise the condition & function in all organs.
No one therapy or treatment modality can help to achieve these three primary objectives & key-results; an integration (combination) of various therapies is necessary for this; and this is called an Integrated & Holistic Treatment.
The following therapies were strategically integrated and administered to the patient:
What it is: A liquid compound made from pharmaceutical drugs such as alkylating agents, nitrosoureas, topoisomerase inhibitors, and others. Used for: To kill the cancer cells in the liver, peritoneum-sac, and in the lymph-nodes inside the peritoneum, and to shrink the tumour in the liver and then dissolve it, and thereby bring cancer metastasis (spread) under immediate control. How its administered: Intravenously, in the hospital.
IV Nutrition therapy
What it is: Concentrated form of nutrients from food, herbs & sea-plants. Used for: Supply essential nutrients to the body for enhancing homeostasis and building immunity agains the negative effects of chemotherapy, augmenting the positive effects of chemotherapy, and cause the immune cells to better recognise the cancer cells. How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
Natural Immunotherapy
What it is: Compounds made from plant and animal origin, and synthesised in labs by special processes. Used for: Building up the immune system strength to withstand against the negative affects of chemotherapy, and for enhancing the function of the NK immune-cells to better fight cancer-cells. How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
Homeopathic therapy
What it is: Concentrated form of plant extracts prepared through the homeopathic compounding process. Used for: Correcting wrong signal-pathways in the body so that the immune system can respond correctly to act appropriately to the cancer-cells, and thereby enhancing the effects of immunotherapy. Also used for reducing mental & physical stress. How its administered: Orally, at home.
Detoxification therapy
What it is: It is a set comprising of Vegetable powder & fibre, Herbs, Essential nutrients, Essential fats, Essential salts, Antioxidants & alkalisers, Probiotics, and Enzymes. Used for: Dissolving & flushing out organic toxins, inorganic toxins, acids, mucus, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals / stones, etc. in the colon, liver, blood and other major organs; and then for opening up the circulation & elimination channels in the body, so to allow the efficient flushing out of toxins & wastes out of the body, thereby bringing cancerous-activity under control and preventing spread of cancer, and setting the internal environment for natural healing & rejuvenation to occur in the body. How its administered: Orally, at home.
Chelation therapy
What it is: Specially formulated compound (called ‘chelator agent’) that binds to toxic heavy metals like mercury, lead, etc. and yet safe to be intravenously injected into the body. The chelator agent & its concentration is chosen based on the patient’s body condition. Note: this is NOT chemotherapy. Used for: Binding to & extracting toxic heavy metals like mercury, lead, etc. that are in the patient's organs & connective tissues, and then flushing them out of the body; and thereby to cause a natural shrinkage & dissolution of cancer-tumours, bringing cancerous-activity under control and preventing spread of cancer, and for setting the right internal environment for natural healing & rejuvenation to occur in the body. How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
Oral nutrition therapy
What it is: Essential nutrients isolated from food, herbs & sea-plants; and concentrated into powder or liquid form. Used for: Normalising and then optimising the gut-environment, necessary nutrient levels in the blood, necessary healthy epigenetic environment around organ-cells with necessary nutrient levels, and thereby supplying organ-cells with all the necessary nutrients, so to then aid in the natural shrinkage & dissolution of cancer-tumours, prevent further cancerous-activity & spread, and induce natural healing & rejuvenation in the cancer-affected organs and other diseased organs, and then to optimise the condition & function of the cancer-affected organs and other diseased organs, and thereby prevent recurrences of cancer and the other chronic diseases, and ultimately induce optimal health long-term. How its administered: Orally, at home.
IV Nutrition therapy
What it is: Concentrated form of nutrients from plants & herbs in liquid form. Used for: The same function as oral nutrition therapy; notwithstanding, some essential nutrients are supplied intravenously so to speed up their absorption in the target organs and thereby speed up natural shrinkage & dissolution of cancer-tumours, and speed up natural healing & rejuvenation in the cancer-affected organs and other diseased organs. How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
Blood Irradiation therapy
What it is: A special frequency of ultraviolet light generated by a therapeutic machine, administered intravenously. Used for: Increasing the oxygen carrying capacity of blood cells, enhancing nutrient carrying capacity of the blood and thereby increasing the amount & rate of delivery of nutrients to target organs, enhancing the function of immune cells, optimising metabolism, and thereby to enhance the natural shrinkage & dissolution of cancer-tumours, prevent further cancer-activity & spread, and further enhance natural healing & rejuvenation in the cancer-affected organs, and in other diseased organs. How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
Herbal therapy
What it is: Extracts from various medicinal herbs (in the form of: powders, infusions, and oils). Used for: Normalising and then optimising brain & nerve regulation, hormonal levels, mitochondrial function, metabolism, blood circulation, heart & blood vessel function, natural detoxification, mental & nervous stress, and thereby to induce natural shrinkage & dissolution of cancer-tumours, prevent cancerous-activity & spread of cancer, and induce natural healing & rejuvenation in the cancer-affected organs and other diseased organs, and then to optimise the condition & function of the cancer-affected organs and other diseased organs, and thereby prevent recurrences of cancer and the other chronic diseases, and ultimately induce optimal health long-term. How its administered: Orally, at home.
Bio-id Hormone therapy
What it is: Extracts from plant sources which are synthesised in labs to match the chemistry of hormones in the body. Used for: Filling in the depleted hormones and for the balancing the hormonal levels in the body; thereby majorly contributing to necessary processes including nutrition absorption, detoxification, homeostasis, immune function, tissue repair, cellular rejuvenation, etc., and thereby inducing natural shrinkage & dissolution of cancer-tumours, preventing cancerous-activity & spread of cancer, and inducing natural healing & rejuvenation in the cancer-affected organ and in other diseased organs. How its administered: Orally, at home.
Auto-hemo therapy
What it is: A portion of blood is extracted from the patient, which is then oxygenated & activated in a specialised device. This oxygen-rich and activated blood is then re-infused into the patient’s body intravenously. Used for: Increasing oxygen content in the blood and alkalising it, and thereby to increase oxygen content & alkalinity in the cancer-affected organs and other diseased organs, and thereby to induce natural shrinkage & dissolution of cancer-tumours, prevent cancerous-activity & spread of cancer, and induce natural healing & rejuvenation in the cancer-affected organs and other diseased organs. How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
Homeopathic therapy
What it is: Concentrated form of plant extracts prepared through the homeopathic compounding process. Used for: Correcting wrong signal-pathways in the body so that the immune system can respond correctly to act appropriately to the cancer-cells, and thereby further inducing natural shrinkage & dissolution of cancer-tumours, preventing cancerous-activity & spread of cancer, also for reducing mental & physical stress, and thereby to induce healing & rejuvenation in the cancer-affected organs and other diseased organs. How its administered: Orally, at home.
FIR therapy
What it is: FIR Therapy (Far-Infra-Red Therapy) is basically a chamber in which Far-infra red frequencies are resonated & propagated. Used for: Normalizing and then optimising metabolism, blood vessels function, parasympathetic nervous system response, body's natural detoxification mechanism, and thereby to further induce shrinkage & dissolution of cancer-tumours, prevent cancerous-activity & spread of cancer, and induce overall healing & rejuvenation in the cancer-affected organs and other diseased organs, and then to optimise the condition & function of the cancer-affected organs and other diseased organs, and thereby to prevent recurrences of cancer and the other chronic diseases, and ultimately induce optimal health long-term. How its administered: FIR machine, in the clinic.
Wholesome food therapy
What it is: Concentrated powder-form of a full spectrum of wholesome foods, with omega-oil blends. Used for: Providing the body with essential amino acids, fats, vitamins, minerals, other nutrients, and salts, so to support healing & rejuvenation mechanisms induced by other therapies, and then to optimise the overall condition & function of all the organs & glands, overall immunity, weight & physical strength, prevent re-ignition of cravings to old bad-diet patterns, and thereby prevent recurrences of cancer and the other chronic diseases, and induce optimal health long-term. How its administered: Orally, at home.
Exercise & Physiotherapy
What it is: Specialised movements & exercise routines. Used for: Normalising and then optimising blood & lymph circulation, detoxification, enhancing brain & nerve regulation, mitochondrial function, and thereby cumulatively to enhance healing & rejuvenation in the cancer-affected organs and other diseased organs, and then to induce optimal condition & function in the cancer-affected organs and other diseased organs, and thereby preventing recurrences of cancer and the other chronic diseases, and ultimately inducing optimal health long-term. How its administered: Per given instructions & schedule, at patient’s place of convenience.
1. Vitality Factors
2. Disease Symptoms
3. Diseases
Cervical cancer - stage 4
🟩 Resolved
Cancer metastasis to liver
🟩 Resolved
Cancer metastasis to Peritoneum-sac
🟩 Resolved
Cancer metastasis to Lymph-nodes around Peritoneum
🟩 Resolved
High blood pressure
🟨 Improved 70%
Liver inflammation
🟩 Resolved
Gallbladder inflammation
🟩 Resolved
🟩 Resolved
Body inflammation
🟩 Resolved
4. Medications
(Prescribed by other doctors Prior to Heal Within®)
- High blood pressure medicationWeaned-off 70%
- Gastritis medicationWeaned-off
- Gastric pain medicationWeaned-off
- Indigestion medicationWeaned-off
- Pain killer medicationWeaned-off
*Click/Tap each image to enlarge-view”.
Dr Lee's
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