COVID-19 Root Cause 2:
Toxicity & Polluted Environment
Root Cause 2:
Toxicity & Polluted Environment
Abnormal state in Toxicity & Environment
As already established in the lesson “10 Root Causes to COVID-19“, low immunity is the cause to COVID-19; and the underlying cause to low immunity is an abnormal state in any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health. Therefore, an abnormal state in any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health is the root cause to COVID-19.
The second pillar of the 10 Pillars of Health is Toxicity & Environment; and an abnormal state in this pillar (high internal toxicity & polluted environment) results in low immunity and thereby to COVID-19. This lesson explains this in detail.

What is a Toxin?
To avoid subjective interpretation, I will first define what a toxin is. A toxin is any substance that when ingested into the body (orally or intravenously) results in negative effects such as inflammation, acidosis, abnormal cellular function, and cellular degeneration (breakdown of cellular structure).
Now that being said, the phrase “Abnormal state of Toxicity” could sound counterintuitive to you if you think that any level of toxicity in the body is abnormal. Therefore, here’s clarity: in the world we live, a zero toxicity level in the body would be near to impossible; modern lifestyle causes us to ingest numerous toxins in our bodies each day; and when we have an optimally functioning natural detox mechanism in our body we experience no negative effects of toxins.
The problem only starts when the level of toxins in our body goes beyond the capacity of our detox mechanism to handle. Therefore in this Pillar of Health we need to see the state (level) of toxicity and not just the presence of toxicity.
Therefore, the state of toxicity in your body is determined to be abnormal when the toxicity level is above the capacity of the detox mechanism in your body to handle efficiently. And, the state of toxicity in your body is determined to be normal when the toxicity level is within the capacity of the detox mechanism in your body to handle efficiently.
What is Environment?
Environment refers to the overall resonance-condition (aura) of the area surrounding your body; which is a combination of the levels of water-vapour, oxygen, pollen, dust, smoke, toxic-gases, EMF levels from power-lines/wireless-towers/wifi-transmitters/mobile-phones/etc.
How Abnormal State of Toxicity & Environment Results in Disease (and high risk to COVID-19):
If the State of Toxicity in your body or/and the state of the environment surrounding your body is abnormal, it results in inflammation, acidosis of the blood, lymph & organ-tissues, cellular malfunction, pre-mature cellular degeneration and thereby organ deterioration & breakdown, low immunity, and high risk to COVID-19. The following steps explains how:
1. Initial stage of Toxicity & Polluted Environment results in Inflammation:
When the state of toxicity in your body is abnormal, or/and the state of the environment surrounding your body is abnormal, the first response in your body is Inflammation.
Inflammation produces symptoms such as: Headache, Body-ache, Swells, Stiffness, Redness, Skin itchiness, Cramps, Tremors, Tingling sensations, Ulcers, etc.
Here, your immune system is in overdrive-mode but your overall immunity is not lowered yet; and your risk to COVID-19 is still minimal.
If at this point, you detoxify your body & environment, and then find & eliminate the source of toxins & environment-pollutants, you naturally induce healing in your body and consequentially all your symptoms are resolved. In addition, because your immunity is restored to normal, your risk to COVID-19 is eliminated.
But if instead, you use medications to suppress the symptoms, and not treat the underlying inflammation condition, and continue to ingest toxins in your body & continue to maintain a polluted environment, and thereby move your internal toxicity level from initial to intermediate stage and thereby continue to overload your detox mechanism, your already existent inflammation condition further progresses negatively into acidosis: acidosis of the blood, lymph & organ-tissues.
2. Intermediate stage of Toxicity & Polluted Environment results in Acidosis:
When you have acidosis of the blood, lymph & organ-tissues, it directly results into mucus formation, visceral fat formation, crystal/stones formation, hormonal imbalance, low immunity, and infections.
Acidosis produces symptoms such as: Acid reflux, heartburn, digestive problems, constipation, bloating, frequent flus, headaches, body aches, anxiety & mood disorders, brain fog & low cognitive function, breathlessness, tiredness, high blood pressure, heart disease, chest pain, palpitations, urinary problems, low sexual function, join pains, stiffness, skin rashes & breakouts, blurry vision, etc.
Furthermore, because your immunity is now lowered at this point, your risk to getting COVID-19 is high.
If at this point, you detoxify your body & environment, and then find & eliminate the source of toxins & environment-pollutants, you naturally induce healing in your body and all your symptoms are resolved; and then obviously you have no need for medications thenceforth and can confidently wean them off. In addition, because your immunity is now restored to normal, your risk to COVID-19 is minimised or eliminated.
But if instead, you again use medications and other conventional therapies to suppress symptoms, and not treat the underlying conditions of inflammation & acidosis, and continue to ingest toxins in your body and continue to maintain a polluted environment, and thereby move your toxicity level from intermediate to an advanced stage and continue to overload your detox mechanism, your already existent acidosis condition further progresses negatively into a condition of pre-mature cellular-degeneration (cellular deterioration & breakdown).
3. Advanced stage of Toxicity & Polluted Environment results in cancer, organ failure and death.
When you have a condition of pre-mature cellular-degeneration, it directly results into organ degeneration and thereby organ-system malfunction, or/and cancerous conditions.
Pre-mature cellular-degeneration raises all the symptoms of acidosis to a higher magnitude, and further produces additional symptoms such as: reduction of sensory ability (vision, smell, taste, touch, hearing, balance), reduction of memory, reduction of limb-movement ability, chronic aches & pains, etc.
Furthermore, because your immunity is now even more lowered, your level of risk to COVID-19 drastically increases.
If at this point, you detoxify your body & environment, and then find & eliminate the source of toxins & environment-pollutants, you naturally induce healing in your body and your conditions of pre-mature cellular-degeneration, acidosis, and inflammation, and all the symptoms thereof are resolved; and then obviously you have no need for medications nor any other conventional therapies thenceforth and can confidently wean them off. In addition, because your immunity is now restored to normal, your risk to COVID-19 is minimised or eliminated.
But if instead, you again use medications & other conventional therapies just to suppress symptoms or just to rid-off the cancerous conditions, and not treat the underlying conditions of pre-mature cellular degeneration, acidosis, and inflammation, and continue to ingest toxins in your body and continue to maintain a polluted environment, and thereby continue to further overload your detox mechanism, your already existent inflammation, acidosis and now pre-mature cellular-degeneration conditions further progresses negatively into organ failure or to your final destination – death!

If you read the above text carefully, you can clearly see that the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is not the root cause to COVID-19; rather, abnormalities in one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health is. (Low immunity is the cause to SARS-CoV-2 infection and thereby to COVID-19; but, the underlying cause to low immunity is an abnormal state in any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health. Therefore, an abnormal state in any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health is the root cause to COVID-19.)
For your recollection, Toxicity & Environment is the second of the 10 Pillars of Health. Following is the list of all 10 Pillars of Health.
- 1Diet, Nutrition, Gut
- 1Toxicity & Environment
- 3Blood & Lymph Circulation
- 4Brain & Nerve Regulation
- 5Hormone Levels
- 6Stem-cell Levels
- 7Mitochondrial Energy
- 8Genetics & Epigenetic
- 9Mental & Emotional Status
- 10Physical Activity & Lifestyle
Latest reports show again that over 99% patients of those that died of COVID-19 already had long-standing chronic diseases (heart disease, cancer, lung disease etc.), and therefore already had a poorly functioning immune system, which made them more vulnerable to be infected by the virus and upon infection just experienced an amplification of their already existing chronic disease conditions, resulting in death.
Therefore, if you want optimal prevention against COVID-19 (and any other viral infection), you need to build & maintain an optimised immune system; and to achieve this, you need to first normalise all your 10 Pillars of Health (which also results in treating any chronic disease you presently have), and thenceforth continuously optimise & further-strengthen all your 10 pillars of health.
- Mossel EC, Wang J, Jeffers | SARS-CoV replicates in primary human alveolar type II cell cultures but not in type I-like cells
- Tian S, Hu W, Niu L. | Pulmonary Pathology of Early-Phase 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pneumonia in Two Patients With Lung Cancer
- Fehr A.R., Perlman S. | Coronaviruses: an Overview of Their Replication and Pathogenesis disease 2019 and its relationship with clinical features. Invest Radiol 2020.

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