First, Establish Your
Three Primary Objectives
Holistic healing, Optimal Immunity, Long-term Wellbeing
Your primary objective must never be prevention against just COVID-19, nor treatment for just COVID-19.
Likewise, if you have any other chronic disease (or more than one chronic disease), your primary objective must never be to treat just that one disease. Example: if you have cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. your primary objective must never be to treat just the disease. Instead, your primary objectives must be: (1) Holistic healing, (2) Optimal immunity, and (3) Long-term wellbeing. This lesson explains why.

Many people start something without having an established end-result they seek to achieve. This leads them into random directions taken by the wind (follow what the majority does) and falling prey to commercial ploys. As one wise man said, “If you have no goal, someone else could setup their goal for you, and it’s not in your best interest.”
Therefore, it is necessary that you first establish what end-results you really want; establish your primary objectives first (in this case, primary objectives connected to your health & treatment/prevention of COVID-19), and based on that, choose a healthcare-action-plan that’s most efficient for the achievement of your primary objectives. Do not act based on fear & panic.
In this lesson, I will help you establish three primary objectives that are truly in your best interest.
What end-results you really want? Seriously, think about it!
If I asked you what you really want (connected to your health & treatment/prevention of COVID-19): out of fear & panic you could say something like: “I don’t want to get COVID-19 because I don’t want to die / don’t want to loose my job / don’t want to loose customers / don’t want my business shut-down / don’t want to loose my girlfriend / etc. etc.”.
While these could represent your inner desires, they are still not considered primary objectives which are specific enough to then help you choose the most efficient healthcare action plan to help you ultimately get your inner desires met. Therefore, let me help you.

Here are just 3 Primary Objectives that you need to establish in your mind, which can then help you choose the most efficient healthcare action plan for your protection against a COVID-19 infection, and thereby get all your heart’s desires met.

Objective 1: Holistic Healing
This simply means to restore your entire body (all major organs) back to normal health, and then continuously optimize their health & function.

Objective 2: Optimal Immunity
To normalise & then optimise your natural defense mechanism (immune system) for optimal immunity against not just the present COVID-19, but also a future potential stronger wave of COVID-19, and any other such viral outbreaks in the future.

Objective 3: Long-term Wellbeing
To have a continuous state of wellbeing long-term, undisturbed by any chronic diseases, nor by pre-mature ageing, nor by any new viral outbreaks.

Objective 1: Holistic Healing
This simply means to restore your entire body (all major organs) back to normal health, and then continuously optimize their health & function.

Objective 2: Optimal Immunity
To normalise & then optimise your natural defense mechanism (immune system) for optimal immunity against not just the present COVID-19, but also a future potential stronger wave of COVID-19, and any other such viral outbreaks in the future.

Objective 3: Long-term Wellbeing
To have a continuous state of wellbeing long-term, undisturbed by any chronic diseases, nor by pre-mature ageing, nor by any new viral outbreaks.
Why focus on these primary objectives, and not on specific disease prevention/treatment?
- Holistic healing = Restoration of all organs (whole body) back to normal = Healing all diseases
The word ‘Holistic’ means whole-body (whole-listic), and the word ‘Heal’ means to restore back to normal. Holistic healing therefore means a restoration of the whole body back to normal.
When the whole body is restored back to normal, do you think this results in all diseases being healed? Do you think that the disease you have in concern is treated too? Absolutely YES.
If you instead set your primary objective to just treat one disease in concern, then you could loose focus on treating your whole body for holistic healing and end up choosing treatments that just treat the diseased organ in isolation, which in most cases leads to temporary relief with a potential of recurrence.
For Example:
If you have COVID-19 (or are at high risk to COVID-19), the root cause to this is primarily low immunity; and the underlying root causes to low immunity are: toxicity, heavy metal deposits, lack or essential nutrients, poor blood & lymph circulation, poor brain & nerve regulation, hormonal imbalances, blood acidosis, gut disbiosis, poor stem cell level, abnormal mitochondrial energy status, abnormal epigenetic status, abnormal mental/emotional status and lack of physical motion.
Now, if you set your primary objective to prevent/treat just COVID-19, you inevitably end up choosing treatments (medications, herbs, alternative therapies etc.) that just temporarily boost your immune response, or temporarily suppress the symptoms of COVID-19, without addressing the root causes to low immunity listed above. Which is why we are now seeing many COVID-19 patients that were already treated experiencing a recurrence.
If instead, you set your primary objectives to Holistic Healing, you would end up choosing treatments that would treat all the root causes to low immunity and restore your whole body back to normal. Furthermore, if you have any other chronic disease besides COVID-19 (cancer, heart disease, lung disease, liver disease, etc. which in most cases this is so), then those diseases get simultaneously treated too; thereby making you feel totally rejuvenated.
- Optimal Immunity = Optimal Prevention against occurrence/recurrence of COVID-19 and any other future disease like such.
The cause to COVID-19 or cause to increased risk of COVID-19 is low immunity; and the root causes to low immunity are: toxicity, heavy metal deposits, lack or essential nutrients, poor blood & lymph circulation, poor brain & nerve regulation, hormonal imbalances, blood acidosis, gut dysbiosys, poor stem cell level, abnormal mitochondrial energy status, abnormal epigenetic status, abnormal mental/emotional status and lack of physical motion.
Achievement of Holistic healing surely normalises your immunity, but is not a certainty that you won’t experience a recurrence, nor a certainty that you would never experience diseases in the future. Viruses mutate into stronger strains and many on-going changes happen to lifestyle patterns and to the environment that raises vulnerability to other diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to optimise your immunity not just against COVID-19, but against any potential disease like such in the future.
Therefore, by setting your second primary objective to Optimal Immunity, you would end-up choosing just those treatments that would not just result in Holistic healing, but also result in Optimal Immunity.
- Long-term Wellbeing = Disease-free and blissful quality of life.
You achieved Holistic healing and Optimised your immunity; considered done? No, not done yet. The last thing you want is to invest time, energy & money into achieving Holistic healing & Optimal immunity, just to then go back to an old lifestyle pattern that would undo these achievements.
Therefore, the last thing you need is a protocol that you can incorporate into your lifestyle by which you can then maintain the achieved Holistic healing and Optimal immunity as long as you possibly can; to then experience a disease-free and blissful quality of life.
Therefore, by setting your third primary objective to Long-term wellbeing, you would end-up choosing just those treatments that would not just results in Holistic healing and Optimal immunity, but also result in Long-term wellbeing.
Additional Benefits of establishing these objectives as your Primary Objectives for healthcare:
- Avoid wasting your time, energy & money on healthcare products/services that don’t really help.
Without me saying much, you probably already know that there are many so-called ‘healthcare products’ which don’t really help much, and many other products that provide just temporary suppression of disease-symptoms, and still many other products that result in negative side-effects.
Keeping these Primary Objectives as the basis of your decisions for healthcare helps your easily distinguish between products/services that can help, and those that can’t.
Example: The next time you visit a healthcare store, pharmacy, medical clinic/hospital; you just need to first ask the representative there if the product/service/treatment they offer results in achieving the Three Primary Objectives. You could be surprised to see many of the so-called ‘healthcare products/services’ that can never affirmatively give you a positive response to this.
- Invest your time, energy & money into only those healthcare products/services that really help.
Continuing from the point made above, you can now see how establishing these Three Primary Objectives first helps you choose only those products/services that can in fact help you achieve results that really matter.
Establish the 3 Primary Objectives in Your Mind

Chances are that you already desire these Three Primary Objectives, but never established a thought process in place to keep these objectives as the basis of considering any plan of action for your healthcare.
Therefore it is necessary that you establish these Three Primary Objectives in your mind and establish a decision making process to help you make wise decisions concerning your healthcare in terms of choosing healthcare products/services.
Use the checklist
To help you establish the Three Primary Objectives in your mind and establish the decision making process, I have a ready made checklist that you can download free of charge and use.
I recommend that you use this checklist whenever you enter any healthcare store; ask if the product/service results in the objectives written in the checklist and check them while you get the answers from the representative. Do this until this thought process become natural to you and established in your mind.

Dr Lee's
Integrated & Holistic


Recurrence Prevention


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