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COVID-19 Second Wave:
something to be worried about?

Is second wave strong enough to kill you?

Whether first wave or second wave, if you have high immunity, the answer is NO; but if you have low immunity, the answer is YES, and if you have any existing chronic disease, the answer is ABSOLUTELY YES! This lesson explains why.

Heal Within Malaysia - COVID-19 - EDU - PSE - Lesson - Covid-19 Second Wave Really Worry

Latest updates to show that the second could be near:

Latest reports from mainland China show the highest number of new Covid-19 cases.  The National Health Commission (NHC) announced 21 new cases of Covid-19 infection, up from 13 cases a day earlier in mainland China. Furthermore, 17 new confirmed cases of Covid-19, up from 11 a day earlier, were reported in the Chinese capital – Beijing. This increase in the Covid-19 cases was the highest since June 20.

While India started to gradually ease down lockdowns imposed on 1.3 billion Indians since March, the country has observed a sharp acceleration in the spread of the virus. India has been reporting almost 10,000 new confirmed cases over the week. The country’s cumulative cases now transcended that of Britain, making India the fourth most affected nation worldwide.

In Pakistan, lockdown restrictions were lifted on May 9 due to economic pressure. Since then, the country is facing an enormous increase in new confirmed cases. Of the 23,000 tests conducted daily, an average of one in every five is diagnosed positive for SARS-CoV-2; which is an increase from one positive in every ten tests done in the first wave.

Indonesia reported 1,241 new confirmed cases, which is the country’s biggest daily rise for two consecutive days. Indonesia had recently resumed its domestic flights this week, while social restrictions were eased last week in Jakarta.

Not too long ago, the situation in South Korea and Singapore was said to be improving, but recently both countries experienced fresh outbreaks which raises concerns over a near second wave.

Spanish doctors diagnosed 167 Covid-19 cases on Tuesday, June 9. On Monday, the reported instances were 84, and the country had hit a record low of 48 cases on Sunday – just two days ago!

Could the second wave be stronger than the first wave?

Chances are high that the second wave could be stronger and more lethal than the first wave. We could see a significant increase in the number of not just cases of infection, but deaths too. This is speculated because viral pandemics tend to have a stronger bounce back than the initial wave.

In 1919, the influenza pandemic had three major waves. The second wave had a stronger mutation than the first exposure to the virus. In fact, the CDC stated that the second wave of the viral outbreak was responsible for most deaths in the United States. 

The virus strain is put under pressure once it goes through the first wave; there is a strong chance that SARS-CoV-2 (virus that causes Covid-19) might undergo a dynamic mutation, thereby making it more aggressive and lethal.

According to a report by Bloomberg, numerous Chinese doctors have witnessed coronavirus manifesting differently in patients after the country is seeing the rise in new cases. It suggests that the virus strain is changing in unknown ways, and it is complicating the efforts of healthcare professionals to stamp it out. Patients with possible new viral strains are carrying the virus for a longer period of time, and take longer to test negative for SARS-CoV-2.

Add to that, periodic treatments to patients with existing chronic diseases were hindered or stopped during all this time of the first wave. This could have potentially lowered their immunity and weakened their major organs even further, thereby increasing the potential of degenerative effects by the viral infection. A second exposure to an even stronger variant of viruses could prove more deadly to these patients with existing chronic diseases.

Furthermore, mutations in the virus strains could potentially cause other system complications & diseases other than the respiratory system. Health professionals are already reporting cases of a high incidence of blood clots in patients suffering from a severe coronavirus attack.

In one of the recent studies of Chinese COVID-19 patients, DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation) was common among those who died. DIC is a condition in which the body’s blood-clot management system fails, which leads to abnormal blood clots or internal bleeding or organ failure. Health issues like kidney failure and liver damages were also reported in patients besides the more commonly known respiratory complications.

Besides respiratory diseases, are there any other diseases that the second wave could cause?

In the present first wave, the novel coronavirus is seen to primarily affect the respiratory system and is closely associated with conditions like acute respiratory failure, pneumonia, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). However, analysis of studies conducted on the autopsies of deaths, together studies conducted on latest cases and statistics of new cases have shown this infection to cause medical complications in other major organ systems of the body too. Following are some of the newly discovered complications:

Acute Liver Injury:

Latest discoveries show that Covid-19 patients had/have elevated liver enzymes — like aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT), which are indicators for liver tissue damage.

Blood Clots:

Pulmonologist Wayne Tsuang, MD, says that their team observed a higher rate of blood clots in patients hospitalised with COVID-19. Although no such observation is recorded in people with mild symptoms or asymptomatic, the potential of such should not be ruled out, because blood clots can happen suddenly. A blood clot is a critical medical condition that can lead to a life-threatening illness such as stroke or cardiac arrest.


Rhabdomyolysis is a condition in which your muscles break down, and tissues die. Though it’s rare, researchers have found a link between rhabdomyolysis and Covid-19. As your cells undergo gradual breakdown, a protein called myoglobin accumulates in your blood. If your kidneys are unable to excrete this compound from your bloodstream quickly, it can turn into a medical emergency and cause death.

Septic Shock:

There are several reports from China that indicated septic shock in people with COVID-19. According to another study, most of the non-survivor patients with COVID-19 (70%) suffered from septic shock.

Which people are at the highest risk of the second wave?

As with the first wave, so with the second wave; the only people that are at the highest risk to COVID-19 are those that have low immunity.

While there are ways by which you can determine if you have low immunity or not, the one group of people that are certain to have low immunity and thereby be at highest risk to COVID-19 are those that have any existing chronic diseases; even those that have obesity are at high risk.

If you have no chronic disease but still desire to know for certain if you have low immunity or not, then there is a list of symptoms of low immunity and medical tests by which you can determine so. This list of symptoms and medical tests are listed in another lesson in this series titled “How to know if I am at high risk to a COVID-19 infection? How do I know if my immunity is low?”; but I urge you to go there after you go through this lesson. Let’s complete this lesson first.

How to eliminate or at least minimise my risk of infection from the second wave?

If you have an existing chronic disease, you need to first seek out an Integrated & Holistic treatment that can help you achieve holistic healing (heal or at least alleviate to the maximum the chronic diseases you have); because if not, your immunity would continue to lower, and immune-boosting therapies (including vaccines) could have minimal effect and not help reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19. Immune optimizing programs/therapies must be done AFTER you first achieve holistic healing (i.e. you must treat your chronic disease first – heal & optimize the condition & function of all the major organs in your body first, prior to pursuing immunity optimisation programs/therapies).

If you have any existing chronic disease, I strongly urge you to come to visit our centre or call in for a phone consultation to learn how we can help you achieve holistic healing and optimal immunity against COVID-19.

If you have no existing chronic disease, then you still need to do everything you can to optimize your immune system and your overall health. Please go to the lesson titled “How to eliminate my risk of being infected by COVID-19?” and the following lesson titled “How to boost my immunity against COVID-19?” to learn what all you can do to normalize & optimize your immunity.

Finally, we summarise & reinforce the answer to the main question of this lesson…

⚠️ “COVID-19 second wave: something to be worried about?”

ANSWER: If you have high immunity, the answer is No; but if you have low immunity, the answer is YES, and if you have any existing chronic disease, the answer is ABSOLUTELY YES.

Dr Lee's

Integrated & Holistic



Recurrence Prevention

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Dr Lee's Foundational Principles for understanding
how diseases happen, and how to treat any disease.

Dr Lee's Foundational Principles for understanding how disease happens, and how to treat any disease.



An unhealthy condition in any one or more of the major organs is the cause to all disease symptoms, aches, pains, & lowered vitality.

(i.e. All disease symptoms, aches, pains, & lowered vitality, are just consequential effects of any one or more of the major organs being in an unhealthy condition.)

When all the major organs in an individual are in a healthy condition, the entire body system works well and one feels totally healthy and has no disease symptoms, no aches, no pains, and has vitality.

And on the other hand, when any one or more of the internal major organs transforms from a healthy condition to an unhealthy condition, it directly results into one experiencing disease symptoms, aches, pains, discomforts, and lowered vitality.

The various unhealthy conditions that the major organs can have are: mucus accumulation, acidosis, disbiosys, infection, hypertrophy, hypotrophy, inflammation, fat saturation, crystallisation (stones), plaque formation & accumulation, blood clots, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer, degeneration, rupture/trauma, and organ-failure. When a major organ has any one or more of these unhealthy conditions, it directly results in symptoms – aches, pains & lowered vitality.

The following graphic illustrates this principle:

Unhealthy Major Organs

One or more major organ transformed into an unhealthy condition.

Disease Symptoms

The individual experiences disease symptoms, aches, pains , discomforts, & lowered vitality.

Unhealthy Major Organs

One or more major organ transformed into an unhealthy condition.

Disease Symptoms

The individual experiences disease symptoms, aches, pains , discomforts, & lowered vitality.


  • Gut disbiosys/acidosis is a unhealthy condition in the gut, which results in symptoms of gastric stomach pain, acid reflux, bloating, indigestion, IBS, etc.

  • Fatty liver is an unhealthy condition in the liver, which results in symptoms of abdominal pain, swollen abdomen and legs, tiredness, mental confusion, etc.

  • Heart atherosclerosis is an unhealthy condition in the heart in which plaque accumulates and blocks the heart arteries, which results in symptoms of chest pain, breathlessness, tiredness, etc.

  • Bronchitis is an unhealthy condition in the lungs, which results in symptoms of cough with phlegm, breathlessness, tiredness, chest discomfort etc.


An abnormal state in one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health*, is the Root Cause to all unhealthy conditions in major organs.

(i.e. all unhealthy conditions in major organs are just consequential effects of an abnormal state in any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health*.)

The major organs do to change to an unhealthy condition magically; something else abnormal needs to happen in the body first, which then causes the major organs to change into an abnormal condition. Those abnormalities that happen first are within a set of ten foundational factors that Dr Lee calls 10 Pillars of Health.

Dr Lee calls these factors 10 Pillars of Health because these are the ten foundational factors that govern the condition & function of all major organs, and thereby the foundational factors that govern the overall health of the individual.

Here are the 10 Pillars of Health:

  • 1
    Gut health, Nutrition, Diet
  • 2
    Toxicity & Environment
  • 3
    Blood & Lymph Circulation
  • 4
    Brain & Nerve Regulation
  • 5
    Hormone Levels
  • 6
    Base-cell Levels
  • 7
    Mitochondrial Energy
  • 8
    Genetics & Epigenetic
  • 9
    Mental & Emotional Status
  • 10
    Physical Activity & Lifestyle

When any one or more of these 10 Pillars of Health* are in an abnormal state, it directly results in unhealthy conditions in one or more of the major organs, and then consequentially results in disease symptoms, aches, pains, discomforts, & lowered vitality.

Specifically that means, the root causes to abnormal conditions in all major organs, is any one or more of these: (1) Bad food diet, lack of essential nutrition, bad gut environment (2) Too much internal toxicity, & highly toxic external environment; (3) Poor blood & lymph circulation and oxygenation; (4) Abnormal brain & nerve regulation; (5) Hormonal imbalances; (6) Low base-cell* levels; (7) Abnormal mitochondrial function; (8) Abnormal genetics & epigenetics; (9) Stressed state of mind & emotions; (10) Poor physical activity & lifestyle. When you have any one or more of these 10 Pillars in an abnormal state per described here, the natural consequence is good health.

The following graphics illustrate this principle:

10 Pillars of Health in an Abnormal State
Root Cause
10 Pillars of Health Abnormal

Any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health changed to an abnormal state.

Unhealthy Major Organs

One or more major organ transformed into an unhealthy condition.

Disease Symptoms

The individual experiences disease symptoms - aches, pains & lowered vitality.

Root Cause
10 Pillars of Health Abnormal

Any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health changed to an abnormal state.

Unhealthy Major Organs

One or more major organ transformed into an unhealthy condition.

Disease Symptoms

The individual experiences disease symptoms - aches, pains & lowered vitality.

For example, when any one or more of the 10 Pillars are in an abnormal state, it results in:

  • Unhealthy Gut condition of disbiosys/acidosis, and thereby results in symptoms of gastric stomach pain, acid reflux, bloating, indigestion, IBS, etc.

  • Unhealthy Liver condition of fatty liver, and thereby results in symptoms of abdominal pain, swollen abdomen and legs, tiredness, mental confusion, etc.

  • Unhealthy Heart condition of atherosclerosis, and thereby results in symptoms of chest pain, breathlessness, tiredness, etc.

  • Unhealthy Lung condition of
    bronchitis, and thereby results in symptoms of cough with phlegm, breathlessness, tiredness, chest discomfort etc.



Restoring all major organs to their healthy condition, results in resolving all symptoms, aches, pains, & lowered vitality.

(i.e. Normal health & vitality is just a consequential effect of all major organs being restored to their healthy condition.)

As explained above under ‘Principles for Disease’, when any one or more of the major organs transforms from a healthy to an unhealthy condition, it directly results in symptoms – aches, pains, & lowered vitality.

And on the other hand, when all the major organs in an individual are in a healthy condition, the entire body system works well and one feels totally healthy and has no symptoms – no aches, no pains, & vitality.

Therefore in the context of effectively treating diseases, all diseases can be effectively treated, simply by restoring all unhealthy major organs from an unhealthy condition to their healthy condition, which then results in resolving all disease symptoms, aches, pains, & discomforts, & and restoring vitality.

The following graphic illustrates this principle:

Major Organs Healthy

The condition of all major organs restored to their healthy condition, and function properly.

Diseases Resolved

The individual experiences good health - no disease symptoms, no aches & pains, and restored vitality.

Major Organs Healthy

The condition of all major organs restored to their healthy condition, and function properly.

Diseases Resolved

The individual experiences good health - no disease symptoms, no aches & pains, and restored vitality.


  • When the Gut is normalised from disbiosys/acidosis, i.e. restored from an unhealthy disbiosys/acidosis condition to its healthy condition, it results in resolving symptoms of gastric stomach pain, acid reflux, bloating, indigestion, IBS, etc.
  • When the Liver is normalised from fatty-liver, i.e. restored from an unhealthy fatty-liver condition to its healthy condition, it results in resolving symptoms of abdominal pain, swollen abdomen and legs, tiredness, mental confusion, etc.
  • When the Heart is normalised from atherosclerosis, i.e. restored from an unhealthy atherosclerosis condition to its normal condition, it results in resolving symptoms of chest pain, breathlessness, tiredness, etc.
  • When the Lungs are normalised from bronchitis, i.e. restored from an unhealthy bronchitis condition to its healthy condition, it results in resolving symptoms of cough with phlegm, breathlessness, tiredness, chest discomfort etc.


Normalising all 10 Pillars of Health*, results in restoring all major organs to their healthy condition.

(i.e. normal conditions in all major organs is a consequential effect of normal states in all the 10 Pillars of Health*.)

As explained above under ‘Principles for Disease’, when any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health transforms from its normal state to an abnormal state, it directly results in a transformation of one or more major organs from their healthy condition to an unhealthy condition.

And on the other hand, when all the 10 Pillars of Health are normalised, it directly results into a restoration of all major organs from any unhealthy condition to their healthy condition.

Therefore in the context of effectively treating diseases, all diseases can be effectively treated simply by restoring all 10 Pillars of Health to their normal states, which then results in all major organs being restored to their healthy condition, and consequentially results in resolving all disease symptoms, aches, pains, & discomforts, and restoring vitality.

Normalising all 10 Pillars of Health specifically means thus: (1) Wholesome food diet, full spectrum nutrition, clean & healthy gut; (2) Minimal internal toxicity, non-toxic external environment; (3) Normal blood & lymph circulation and oxygenation; (4) Normal brain & nerve regulation; (5) Normal hormonal levels; (6) Healthy base-cell* levels; (7) Normal mitochondrial function; (8) Normal genetics & epigenetics; (9) Normal state of mind & emotions; (10) Normal physical activity & lifestyle. When you have all 10 Pillars normalised per this manner, the natural consequence is good health.

The following graphics illustrate this principle:

10 Pillars of Health in their Normal State
Root Cause
10 Pillars of Health Normal

All the 10 Pillars of Health restored to their normal state.

Major Organs Healthy

All major organs restored to their healthy condition.

Diseases Resolved

No disease symptoms, no aches & pains, restored vitality.

Root Cause
10 Pillars of Health Normal

All the 10 Pillars of Health restored to their normal state.

Major Organs Healthy

All major organs restored to their healthy condition.

Diseases Resolved

No disease symptoms, no aches & pains, restored vitality.

For example, when all 10 Pillars are normalised, it results in:

  • Normalising the Gut from disbiosys/acidosis, i.e. the gut is restored from an unhealthy disbiosys/acidosis condition to its healthy condition, and thereby consequentially results in resolving symptoms of gastric stomach pain, acid reflux, bloating, indigestion, IBS, etc.
  • Normalising the Liver from fatty-liver, i.e. the liver is restored from an unhealthy fatty-liver condition to its healthy condition, and thereby consequentially results in resolving symptoms of abdominal pain, swollen abdomen and legs, tiredness or mental confusion, etc.
  • Normalising the Heart from atherosclerosis, i.e. the heart is restored from an unhealthy atherosclerosis condition to its normal condition, and thereby consequentially results in resolving symptoms of chest pain, breathlessness, tiredness, etc.
  • Normalising the Lungs from bronchitis, i.e. the lungs are restored from an unhealthy bronchitis condition to its healthy condition, and thereby consequentially results in resolving symptoms of cough with phlegm, breathlessness, tiredness, chest discomfort etc.


Optimising all 10 Pillars of Health*, results in optimising the condition & function in all major organs, and thereby results in preventing recurrence of past diseases and occurrences of any other chronic disease in the future, ultimately resulting in long-term optimal health & high quality of life.

As explained above, good health is natural effect of normal states in all the 10 Pillars of Health*; and, disease is a natural effect of an abnormal state in any one or more of these 10 Pillars of Health*.

And now to logically add to that principle, optimal health & long-term wellbeing (no recurrences of past diseases, and no occurrences of other diseases) is a natural effect of improving all 10 Pillars of Health* to their optimal state.

When all the 10 Pillars of Health* are optimised, then all major organs further improve to their optimal condition & function, and thereby recurrences of past diseases and occurrences of other diseases are prevented, and one can experience on-going optimal health, long-term wellbeing, and a high quality of life.

The following graphics illustrate this principle:

10 Pillars of Health in their Optimal State
Root Cause
10 Pillars of Health Optimal

All the 10 Pillars of Health improved to their optimal state.

Major Organs Optimal

All major organs improved to their optimal condition.

Recurrences Prevented

Optimal health, wellbeing, high quality of life.

Root Cause
10 Pillars of Health Optimal

All the 10 Pillars of Health improved to their optimal state.

Major Organs Optimal

All major organs improved to their optimal condition.

Recurrences Prevented

Optimal health, wellbeing, high quality of life.

For example, when all 10 Pillars are optimised, it results in:

  • Optimising the condition in the Gut, and thereby consequentially results in preventing recurrences of any unhealthy condition in the Gut and thereby preventing recurrences of symptoms of gastric stomach pain, acid reflux, bloating, indigestion, IBS, etc.
  • Optimising the condition in the Liver, and thereby consequentially results in preventing recurrences of any unhealthy condition in the Liver and thereby preventing recurrences of symptoms of abdominal pain, swollen abdomen and legs, tiredness or mental confusion, etc.
  • Optimising the condition in the Heart, and thereby consequentially results in preventing preventing recurrences of any unhealthy condition in the Heart and thereby preventing recurrences of symptoms of chest pain, breathlessness, tiredness, etc.
  • Optimising the condition in the Lungs, and thereby consequentially results in preventing recurrences of any unhealthy condition in the Lungs and thereby preventing recurrences of  symptoms of cough with phlegm, breathlessness, tiredness, chest discomfort etc.



Therefore, diseases can effectively treated only by doing these three necessary steps:

Treat the causes to the patient’s disease symptoms, aches, pains, discomforts, & lowered vitality (Unhealthy conditions in major organs are the cause to disease symptoms, aches, pains, & lowered vitality).

Treat the causes to the patient’s disease symptoms, aches, pains, discomforts, & lowered vitality (Unhealthy conditions in major organs are the cause to disease symptoms, aches, pains, & lowered vitality).


Treat the root causes to the unhealthy conditions in the patient’s major organs, and thereby induce holistic healing (Abnormal states in 10 Pillars of Health are the root cause to unhealthy conditions in major organs).

Treat the root causes to the unhealthy conditions in the patient’s major organs, and thereby induce holistic healing (Abnormal states in 10 Pillars of Health are the root cause to unhealthy conditions in major organs).


Optimise the condition & function of the patient’s every major organ, optimise immunity, and thereby prevent disease recurrences, and induce optimal health & high quality of life.

Optimise the condition & function of the patient’s every major organ, optimise immunity, and thereby prevent disease recurrences, and induce optimal health & high quality of life.

Doing the above 3 necessary steps is the only way to achieve holistic healing, recurrence prevention, and long-term wellbeing.


Therefore, Integrated & Holistic Treatment is the only way toward holistic healing, recurrence prevention, and long-term wellbeing.

As established above under ‘Conclusive Principle 1’, effective treatment of any disease can only be achieved by these 3 necessary steps: (1) Normalise the condition of the diseased major organ, (2) Normalise all 10 Pillars of Health*, and thereby treat the Root Causes to any unhealthy condition in all major organs, and (3) Optimise the condition & function in all major organs by optimising all the 10 Pillars of Health*.

No one therapy or treatment modality can help complete all three necessary steps; an integration (combination) of various therapies is necessary for this.

Therefore Integrated & Holistic Treatment is necessary, and is the only way toward effective treatment of any disease.

The following graphic illustrates this conclusive principle:

Integrated & Holistic Treatment
is the strategic integration of multiple therapies
for achieving holistic healing, recurrence prevention
and long-term optimal-health & well-being.



Dr Lee calls them 10 Pillars because
these are the foundations for good health.

Dr Lee calls them 10 Pillars because these are the foundations for good health.


Listed below are the 10 Pillars of health. Good health is natural effect/consequence of a normal state in all these 10 Pillars of Health; and, Disease is a natural effect/consequence of an abnormal state in any one or more of these 10 Pillars of Health.

  • 1
    Gut health, Nutrition, Diet
  • 2
    Toxicity & Environment
  • 3
    Blood & Lymph Circulation
  • 4
    Brain & Nerve Regulation
  • 5
    Hormone Levels
  • 6
    Base-cell Levels
  • 7
    Mitochondrial Energy
  • 8
    Genetics & Epigenetic
  • 9
    Mental & Emotional Status
  • 10
    Physical Activity & Lifestyle


When all 10 Pillars of Health* are in their normal state, it results in healthy condition & function in all organs, and thereby results in good health. (i.e. Good health & vitality is a consequential effect of all 10 Pillars of Health being in their normal state.)

10 Pillars of Health in their Normal State means thus: (1) Wholesome food diet, full spectrum nutrition, clean & healthy gut; (2) Minimal internal toxicity, non-toxic external environment; (3) Normal blood & lymph circulation and oxygenation; (4) Normal brain & nerve regulation; (5) Normal hormonal levels; (6) Healthy base-cell* levels; (7) Normal mitochondrial function; (8) Normal genetics & epigenetics; (9) Normal state of mind & emotions; (10) Normal physical activity & lifestyle.

The following graphics illustrate this principle:

10 Pillars of Health in their Normal State
Root Cause
Normal 10 Pillars of Health

All the 10 Pillars of Health are in their normal state.


All organs are in their healthy condition & function.

Good Health
& Vitality

No symptoms, aches & pains; just good health & vitality.

Root Cause
Normal 10 Pillars of Health

All the 10 Pillars of Health are in their normal state.


All organs are in their healthy condition & function.

Good Health
& Vitality

No symptoms, aches & pains; just good health & vitality.

For example, when all 10 Pillars are in their normal states, it results in:

  • The gut being in its healthy condition, and thereby consequentially results in one experiencing good health and not experiencing any associated disease symptoms such as gastric stomach pain, acid reflux, bloating, indigestion, IBS, etc.
  • The liver being in its healthy condition, and thereby consequentially results in one experiencing good health and not experiencing any associated disease symptoms such as abdominal pain, swollen abdomen and legs, tiredness or mental confusion, etc.
  • The heart being in its healthy condition, and thereby consequentially results in one experiencing good health and not experiencing any associated disease symptoms such as chest pain, breathlessness, tiredness, etc.

And healthy conditions in all other organs too, and thereby cumulatively results in one experiencing good health & good vitality.


When any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health* are in an abnormal state, it results in an unhealthy condition & function in one or more organs, and thereby results in disease symptoms, aches, pains, discomforts, and lowered vitality. (i.e. All diseases & lowered vitality are just consequential effects of any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health being in an abnormal state.)

10 Pillars of Health in an Abnormal State means thus: (1) Bad food diet, lack of essential nutrition, bad gut environment (2) Too much internal toxicity, & highly toxic external environment; (3) Poor blood & lymph circulation and oxygenation; (4) Abnormal brain & nerve regulation; (5) Hormonal imbalances; (6) Low base-cell* levels; (7) Abnormal mitochondrial function; (8) Abnormal genetics & epigenetics; (9) Stressed state of mind & emotions; (10) Poor physical activity & lifestyle.

The following graphics illustrate this principle:

10 Pillars of Health in an Abnormal State
Root Cause
Abnormal 10 Pillars of Health

Any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health changed to an abnormal state.


One or more of all organs transformed into an unhealthy condition.

Disease Symptoms

Disease symptoms, aches, pains, discomforts, & lowered vitality.

Root Cause
Abnormal 10 Pillars of Health

Any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health changed to an abnormal state.


One or more of all organs transformed into an unhealthy condition.

Disease Symptoms

Disease symptoms, aches, pains, discomforts, & lowered vitality.

For example, when any one or more of the 10 Pillars are in an abnormal state, it results in:

  • Unhealthy Gut condition such as disbiosys, acidosis, etc., and thereby results in symptoms of gastric stomach pain, acid reflux, bloating, indigestion, IBS, etc.
  • Unhealthy Liver condition such as fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, etc. and thereby results in symptoms of abdominal pain, swollen abdomen and legs, tiredness, mental confusion, etc.
  • Unhealthy Heart condition such as coronary artery atherosclerosis, and thereby results in symptoms of chest pain, breathlessness, tiredness, etc.
  • Unhealthy Lung condition such as
    bronchitis, and thereby results in symptoms of cough with phlegm, breathlessness, tiredness, chest discomfort etc.

And unhealthy conditions in other organs too, and thereby cumulatively results in one experiencing disease symptoms, aches, pains, discomforts, and lowered vitality.


When all the 10 Pillars of Health* are in their optimal state, it results in all organs being in their optimal condition and functioning at their optimal levels, optimal immunity, and thereby results in preventing recurrences of past diseases, preventing occurrences of any potential future diseases, optimal vitality, and ultimately into optimal health & high quality of life long-term. (i.e. Disease-free life, optimal health, optimal vitality, and high quality of life long-term are just consequential effects of all the 10 Pillars of Health being in their optimal state.)

10 Pillars of Health in their Optimal State means thus: (1) Optimally wholesome food diet, full spectrum nutrition, clean & healthy gut; (2) Optimally minimal internal toxicity, non-toxic external environment; (3) Optimal blood & lymph circulation and oxygenation; (4) Optimal brain & nerve regulation; (5) Optimal hormonal levels; (6) Optimal base-cell* levels; (7) Optimal mitochondrial function; (8) Optimal genetics & epigenetics; (9) Optimally healthy state of mind & emotions; (10) Optimal physical activity & lifestyle.

The following graphics illustrate this principle:

10 Pillars of Health in their Optimal State
Root Cause
Optimal 10 Pillars of Health

All the 10 Pillars of Health improved to their optimal state.

Optimal Health in Organs

All organs improved to their optimal condition.

Recurrences Prevented

Optimal immunity, optimal vitality, & optimal health.

Root Cause
10 Pillars of Health Optimal

All the 10 Pillars of Health improved to their optimal state.

Major Organs Optimal

All major organs improved to their optimal condition.

Recurrences Prevented

Optimal health, wellbeing, high quality of life.

For example, when all 10 Pillars are optimised, it results in:

  • Optimising the condition in the Gut, and thereby consequentially results in preventing recurrences of any unhealthy condition in the Gut and thereby preventing recurrences of symptoms such as gastric stomach pain, acid reflux, bloating, indigestion, IBS, etc.
  • Optimising the condition in the Liver, and thereby consequentially results in preventing recurrences of any unhealthy condition in the Liver and thereby preventing recurrences of symptoms such as abdominal pain, swollen abdomen and legs, tiredness or mental confusion, etc.
  • Optimising the condition in the Heart, and thereby consequentially results in preventing recurrences of any unhealthy condition in the Heart and thereby preventing recurrences of symptoms such as chest pain, breathlessness, tiredness, etc.
  • Optimising the condition in the Lungs, and thereby consequentially results in preventing recurrences of any unhealthy condition in the Lungs and thereby preventing recurrences of  symptoms such as cough with phlegm, breathlessness, tiredness, chest discomfort etc.


Integrated & Holistic Wellness

Objectives for Maintenance:

The last thing a patient would want after regaining his health (after his/her treatment in Heal Within®), is to experience a recurrence of that disease or an occurrence of another chronic disease in the future; which would certainly be the case if the patient goes back to the same lifestyle patterns that caused the environment around organ-cells to turn unhealthy and thereby resulted in disease.

Therefore, the objectives of this Phase 3 Maintenance are:

  1. Help the patient maintain a healthy lifestyle, by helping them adhere to a healthy lifestyle plan.

  2. Periodically monitor the patient’s condition by medical tests to make sure he/she is still healthy and immune against any chronic disease.

So to cumulatively help the patient experience optimal health & high quality of life long-term.

Contents in Maintenance:

1: Healthy lifestyle plan

Here, doctor tailors a healthy lifestyle plan for the patient to adhere to. This plan comprises of the following:

  1. Wholesome food
  2. List of foods to eat, and which to avoid
  3. Full spectrum nutrition
  4. Probiotics
  5. Bio-id hormones (if needed)
  1. Cardiovascular exercise
  2. Muscular-skeletal development exercise
  3. Periodic detoxification
  4. Mediation & mind-emotional control
  5. Rest

All the necessary products (nutrition, probiotics, etc.) are provided, and a dedicated nurse is assigned to the patient who can be reached by the patient for any needed support.

2: Periodic medical tests for on-going monitoring

The patient’s health condition is monitored on-going at periodic intervals to make sure that the patients is continuously healthy & immune against any potential chronic disease; thereby helping the patient experience optimal health & high quality of life long-term. Following are the tests used for on-going monitoring:

  1. Live Blood Analysis
  2. Dry Blood Analysis
  3. 12 Internal Organs Scan by Digital Meridian Analysis
  4. Heart Variability Test
  5. ECG Test
  1. Body Composition Analysis
  2. Urine Dipstick
  3. Saliva Test
  4. Free Radical Urine Test
  5. Dental Evaluation & Oral Examination

* Images for illustration purpose only. Procedures shown in images do not necessarily represent all procedures in this phase. Please refer to the written text for accurate representation of contents in this phase.



Integrated & Holistic Treatment

Objectives for Treatment:

While the purpose of treatment could seem obvious, it is necessary to recall the objective purpose of the treatment, which are the 3 Primary Objectives (already written & explained earlier in the web-page). To help you recall, following are the 3 Primary Objectives of the treatment in Heal Within®:

  1. Treat all unhealthy conditions in diseased organs (ex. clear plaque from heart arteries, shrink & dissolve cancer-tumours, dissolve & flush-out crystallised stones from kidneys, etc.)
  1. Treat the root causes to the unhealthy conditions in diseased-organs (ex. treat the root causes to plaque formation in heart arteries, cancer-tumours in liver, stones in kidneys, etc.)
  1. Optimise the condition & function of all organs, so to prevent recurrences of past diseases, and prevent occurrence of any other potential chronic disease in the future.

Doing the above 3 necessary steps is the only way to achieve holistic healing, recurrence prevention, and optimal health & high quality of life long-term.

Contents in Treatment:

The contents in treatment is basically the therapies that the designated doctor tailors & plans for the patient at the end of ‘Phase 1 – Diagnosis. Notwithstanding, the patient’s progress is continuously monitored during the execution of the treatment plan, and if necessary doctor adjusts the treatment plan based on the patient’s progress.

Following are the list of some of the therapies administered during the treatment execution, for to achieve each of the 3 Primary Objectives.

For Objective 1: Treat all Unhealthy Conditions in Diseased Organs
  1. Chelation therapy
  2. Detoxification therapy
  3.  Far-infra-red therapy
  4. Hydrogen therapy
  5. Green vegetable blend therapy
  1. EECP Therapy
  2. Hyperbaric therapy
  3. Autohemo therapy
  4. IV Nutrition therapy
  5. Herbal therapy
For Objective 2: Treat Root Causes to Unhealthy Conditions
  1. Oral nutrition therapy
  2. IV Nutrition therapy
  3.  Wholesome food therapy
  4. Detoxification therapy
  5. Chelation therapy
  6. Far-infra-red therapy
  7. Hydrogen therapy
  1. Autohemo
  2. Herbal therapy
  3. EECP Therapy
  4. Hyperbaric therapy
  5. Photodynamic therapy
  6. Bio-identical hormone therapy
  7. Physio-therapy
For Objective 3: Optimise Condition & Function of All Organs
  1. Oral nutrition therapy
  2. Wholesome food therapy
  3.  Bio-identical hormone therapy
  4. Pleuri-potent-cell therapy
  5. Blood irradiation therapy
  1. Herbal therapy
  2. EECP therapy
  3. Hyperbaric therapy
  4. Physio-therapy

NOTE: All these therapies are not administered to every patient; instead, the designated doctor choose the necessary therapies from among these based on each patient’s condition.

** The details of each of these therapies are explained within the section titled “Treatment Objectives & Key Results”, above in the main web-page.

* Images for illustration purpose only. Procedures shown in images do not necessarily represent all procedures in this phase. Please refer to the written text for accurate representation of contents in this phase.



Integrated & Holistic Diagnosis

Objective for Diagnosis:

Our treatment plan is tailored to each patient based on each patient’s body condition. The primary objective for diagnosis is to determine each patient’s current body condition and by this to then tailor the most effective & efficient treatment plan for each patient.

Data Collected for Diagnosis:

  1. The patient’s medical history: Genesis & progression of diseases, medications  & other treatments used in the past, allergies, diet patterns, sleep habits, exercise habits, supplements used, etc.
  1. Vitality Factors: The patient’s current levels in energy, body & limb mobility, digestion & bowel movement, mental & emotional state, sleep, sexual function, skin complexion, and immunity.
  1. Symptoms: Symptoms are primarily aches, pains & discomforts experienced by the patient, and external-physical-body changes seen in the patient.
  1. Conditions in major organs: Specific abnormal conditions (if any) in the stomach, spleen, gut, colon, liver, gallbladder, heart, lungs, brain, nerves, blood vessels & blood, lymph vessels & lymph, bones & joints, and muscles.
  1. Causes to abnormal conditions in organs: (1) Toxins – organic / inorganic / heavy-metals (2) Acids of food-fermentation from gut (3) Infectious agents – bacteria / viruses (4) Metabolic acids above homeostatic-threshold (5) Lack of essential nutrients; (6) Lack of oxygen (7) Hormonal imbalances (8) High sugar level (9) Low white blood cells levels (10) EMF disturbances from external environment.
  1. Existence of 10 Primary Abnormalities: (1) Gut disbiosys from a toxic-diet; (2) Heavy metals dental fillings; (3) Bad external environment at home or work; (4) Nutrition-deficient diet; (5) Lack of muscular-skeletal motion resulting into poor blood circulation; (6) Lack of muscular-skeletal motion resulting into poor lymph circulation; (7) Abnormal brain & nerve regulation; (8) Mitochondrial dysfunction; (9) Sympathetic overdrive from a chronic stressed state of mind; (10) Genetic organ disorders.

Diagnosis Procedure:

(what happens in the centre during phase 1 diagnosis.)

To determine the above 5 things, the designated medical doctor gathers a complete detailed record of the patient’s medical history, and then conducts a series of specialised medical tests. Then, based on the results of the medical history analysis & medical tests, he tailors the most effective treatment plan.

Part 1: Medical data gathering:

Here, the dedicated nurse conducts a very comprehensive verbal introspection with the patient to record the patient’s medical history, vitality factors, and symptoms; which includes – patient’s past diseases, past medications, present diseases, present medications, allergies, diet patterns, sleep habits, exercise habits, supplements used, etc.

Part 2: Diagnostic tests:

Preliminary tests:

  1. Live Blood Analysis
  2. Dry Blood Analysis
  3. 12 Internal Organs Scan by Digital Meridian Analysis
  4. Body Composition Analysis
  5. Pulse Rate Analysis
  6. Urine Dipstick
  7. Saliva Test
  8. Free Radical Urine Test
  9. Dental Evaluation & Oral Examination

Advanced tests: 

  1. Total Blood Chemistry Test
  2. Heart Variability Test
  3. Toxicology Test
  4. Nutritional Status Test
  5. Hormonal Profile Test
  6. Stool Test
  7. ECG Test
  8. Ultrasound Test
  9. Other specific advanced tests (done through 3rd party service providers)
Part 3: Detailed analysis of test results:
In this part, the doctor will analyse all patient’s medical history, vitality factors, symptoms gathered in part 1 together with all results of tests done in part 2.
Part 4: Treatment plan tailoring & explanation:
In this part, the doctor consults the patient, explains the patient’s condition per his analysis done in part 3, and then tailors the treatment plan.
Part 5: Treatment plan execution schedule:

In this last part, the dedicated nurse helps schedule the treatment execution (dates/time on which each therapy of the treatment needs to be administered) and coaches the patient on the details.

The dedicated nurse is available to the patient for questions & doubts anytime during the entire treatment duration.

* Images for illustration purpose only. Procedures shown in images do not necessarily represent all procedures in this phase. Please refer to the written text for accurate representation of contents in this phase.